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The purpose of this comparison is to find out your protection in comparison to your peers. FWD does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the information in the results provided and is not responsible for any losses or damages caused as result of any inaccuracy of incompleteness of such information. “Me Vs Others” Protection Comparison is designed as a tool for comparing your protection among your peers and it should not be seen as a substitution for professional financial advice. Individual specific needs or special situations are not incorporated into the design of this tool. You should not rely wholly on the results generated by this tool to make any financial decisions.

People like you have answered
the following questions.
Compare Yourself
What is your annual income? HK$ 
What is the total value of your savings (such as savings, time deposit, stocks and MPF)? HK$ 
What is the amount of your life insurance coverage (including personal and group life coverage)? HK$ 
Do you have Critical Illness insurance that will cover you in your retirement years?
Do you have any medical insurance?
Do you have medical insurance that will continue to provide coverage after your retirement?

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The purpose of this comparison is to find out your protection in comparison to your peers. FWD does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the information in the results provided and is not responsible for any losses or damages caused as result of any inaccuracy of incompleteness of such information. “Me Vs Others” Protection Comparison is designed as a tool for comparing your protection among your peers and it should not be seen as a substitution for professional financial advice. Individual specific needs or special situations are not incorporated into the design of this tool. You should not rely wholly on the results generated by this tool to make any financial decisions.
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